Why me?

You’re prolly wondering why you should care about my thoughts. It’s a fair question and I wrestle with it every day. My credentials include:

  • Forthcoming research journal publication on linguistic and discursive structures of QAnon and right-wing discourse

  • Incredibly, irreparably online-brained

  • Marxist

  • Mountain Dew enthusiast (my death is imminent because of Yellow-5)

  • I have never read Hegel, Kant, or any of those boring fucks (I’ve read Nietzsche but only because he has a fuckstache)

That’s pretty much it for credentials. If you want to see what these contradictory conditions create, feel free to subscribe below. If not, that’s cool too. I’m not mad. Definitely not owned whatsoever.

Regular(-ish) updates

Every weird investigation of a specific piece of media or critical evaluation of a random tweet will be delivered directly to your inbox, as soon as I post them.

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Join me on my quest to see, hear, and imbibe the worst and best things that this sick moment in time can produce. It’s gonna be fun…?

You can also follow me on twitter for some updates about my annoying gen-z students and my three beautiful and rowdy cats

Subscribe to ,,Kulturismus'' - Reflections on Everything

Reflections, examinations, and dissections of culture, contemporary life, and the state the world now finds itself in


Interested in the state of the world and why it is the way it is. Writing about the dumbest and the most profound things in our society.